The DAC Foundation President visits Moanoghar

12 November, 2023
The DAC Foundation President visits Moanoghar

Ven. Mujin Sunim, President of Douglas A Campbell (DAC) Foundation, USA along with Mark Allen Bloodgood, a Trustee of DAC Foundation and Karla Rene Dare visited Moanoghar from 28 October to 7 November 2023. During their visit in Moanoghar, they talked to the teachers and children including staff members of the Moanoghar. The DAC Foundation gave support for renovation and repairing of the school and hostel toilets. They also visited the activities of the Moanoghar Mobile Clinics, which is currently being supported by the DAC Foundation.  

On 7 November, in honour of Ven. Mujin Sunim, Mark Allen Bloodgood and Karla Rene a cultural show was organised at the premises of Bishakhaka Bhavan (Girls’ section). The children of Moanoghar performed dances and songs at the cultural show. They tried to show the cultural diversity of indignous communities of the CHT region. While Ven. Mujin, Mark and Karla did a role play on the negative impacts of smoking in order for raising awareness among the children.

In her speech Ven. Mujin asked the children to study hard following the advice of teachers and other caregivers who had been trying their best to provide services and care to them.

Among others Goirika Chakma, Vice President of the Moanoghar Executive Council, Jotil Bihari Chakma, Headmaster (in-charge), Arupan Bikash Barua, Assistant Head Teacher, Chitta Ranjan Chakma, Principal of the Moanoghar Institute of Technology and Ven. Buddha Datta, Joint Secretary were prsent at the function.